Rem vs deep sleep
Rem vs deep sleep

Benson and Zarcone studied rapid eye movement measures in schizophrenics, depressives, and nonpsychiatric controls. also reported increased REM density during extended sleep in a 10:14 light dark condition.

rem vs deep sleep


REM density increased across successive REM episodes in both conditions, while REM sleep showed a phase advance in its rate of accumulation, with a longer duration of the earlier episodes coinciding with the temperature minimum in the free running condition compared with the entrained condition. studied the sleep of subjects in a free running condition and compared it with the sleep in the entrained condition. REM density can also be utilized to explore those mechanisms which end sleep, and considered a physiological marker which indicate during sleep the “time to wake”.Ĭonsistent with Aserinsky, Feinberg also reported a regular increase in eye movement density across sleep cycles during normal sleep and a striking increase in REM density in late REM periods of extended sleep. Following the seminal idea of Aserinsky that REM density is an index of sleep satiety, it may also provide a sensitive measure of sleep homeostasis in addition to, or even as an alternative to, the consolidated analysis of slow wave activity.

rem vs deep sleep

Understanding of the REM density mechanisms could help to untangle functional significance and regulation of REM sleep. Disfunction of the neurotransmitter systems involved in arousal mechanisms and wake/sleep control might underlie the altered REM density described in depression. REM density is also increased in major affective disorders, and it has been suggested either as a risk factor to develop the illness or as a predictive index of response to drug treatment. REM density increases across the night concomitantly with the progressive reduction in sleep pressure, and consistently it is higher at the circadian time when arousal appears to be higher, and it is decreased in those conditions, such as after sleep deprivation, which produce increased sleep pressure. Some data suggest that the frequency of REMs during the REM sleep period, known as REM density, might be related to sleep depth or arousal during sleep. Although fascinating, the so-called “scanning hypothesis” has not been supported by consistent evidence, and thus an alternative hypothesis is necessary to understand REMs significance during sleep. The significance of REMs during the sleep period was initially attributed to the mental content of dreams, linking the REMs to the dream scenario.

rem vs deep sleep

Rapid eye movements (REMs), an expression of REM sleep phasic activity, occur against a stable background of cortical desynchronization and the absence of axial tone.

Rem vs deep sleep