Shred nation
Shred nation


Protein should make up between 30 and 35% of your daily intake and all of it should come from whole food sources. Now that we've established the right calorie range and the conditions necessary before starting the diet, let's talk macronutrients. So, if you're a chronic undereater, you'll likely need to repair your metabolic rate and hormonal profile before starting this diet.


As discussed, those individuals who've figured out how to stay fairly lean – while choosing balanced meal selections – will do best when they launch into The Get Shredded Diet. If you've been chronically undereating for a long period of time, this program won't work as well for you.But start at the 9-11 range and measure your results every week to determine how to change up the program. Some might even need to try bodyweight x 8, if necessary. Second, make sure to stick to the lower end of the range (bodyweight x 9). First, make sure you tighten things up and are consistent. If you're one of the folks that naturally fluctuate in their day-to-day intake and you're not seeing the 0.5%-1% per week fat loss rate, you absolutely have to do two things.* Of course, if you're in between these weights, do your own calculations, they're pretty simple. Here's a handy table that outlines how many calories you should be aiming for. However, just make sure you stick within this range of calories. You can likely get away with that 10% spread. So, if it fluctuates naturally, don't worry if you're at body weight x 9 one day and body weight x 11 another day. Your calorie intake will likely fluctuate unless you eat the same exact things every day. Now, does it have to be exactly bodyweight x 10 every day? Not necessarily. So here's your new calorie formula: Body weight in pounds x 10kcal With this goal in mind, you know you're gonna have to cut calories. The duration depends on how much fat you have to lose and how long you want to endure the plan. The goal here is to help you drop 0.5% to 1% body fat per week for between 6 and 12 weeks. I'll even talk about why on earth one might want to get down to 3 or 6% body fat, even if they're not a physique competitor.


The Strategyīelow I'll lay out the full plan – the calories, the macronutrient breakdowns, the meal breakdowns, the example menu, the re-feed days, the supplements, and more. Simply put, if you're starting out fairly lean, you follow The Get Shredded Diet strictly, you have no underlying clinical problems, and you begin from a good foundation of eating, supplementing, and training properly, this plan will make your body fat disappear before your very eyes. However, once you've figured out how to slowly and sanely whittle your fat percentage down to the "fairly lean" range (12% or less for men and 19% or less for women) and you've learned the habits that help you stay that way, that's when something like this can be a powerful weapon in your fat loss arsenal. In fact, if you're closer to 20% body fat than you are to 10%, this strategy isn't for you at all. I can't emphasize this point enough – this strategy isn't for everyone. And with this rate of progress, you'll actually be seeing physical changes every few days.

shred nation

To give you an idea of just how fast we're talking, you should expect body fat decreases of about 0.5%-1% per week when following The Get Shredded Diet. No, this is about presenting an extreme dietary strategy designed to make body fat disappear into thin air in the shortest amount of time.

shred nation

And that's why 92-98 out of 104 weeks are marked by moderation and good dietary decision making. My baseline nutrition approach is best known for being moderate, smart, and sound. And that's why I use it myself – once every 2 years for about 6-12 weeks – to improve my health while getting pretty scary-lean. In fact, if applied strategically and infrequently, this strategy might even improve your health. However, extreme isn't synonymous with dangerous. In fact, it's so extreme that you'll likely have to alter many of your lifestyle habits – even those independent of exercise, nutrition, and supplementation – just to tough through it. The dietary strategy outlined below is extreme. And it will definitely test your willpower.įirst things first. Done only once every two years or so, this diet could help prevent age-related fat gain and even extend your life.

shred nation

  • With calories extremely low, you'll need a selection of supplements to fill in nutritional gaps and keep your workouts going strong.
  • Although this diet is crazy strict, you could lose up to 1 percent body fat per week.

  • Shred nation